Nature Podcast

Bacterial ‘syringes’ could inject drugs directly into human cells



00:48 Tiny syringes for drug deliveryA team of researchers have repurposed tiny syringe-like structures produced by some bacteria to deliver molecules directly into human cells. They hope that this method could be used to overcome a big challenge in modern medicine, namely ensuring that therapeutics are delivered into the precise cells that need to be treated.Research article: Kreitz et al.News and Views: Mix-and-match tools for protein injection into cells07:05 Research HighlightsA diamond-like material could protect spacecraft from intense radiation, and how gene editing could help in the treatment of a rare genetic condition.Research Highlight: A gem of a material could provide a shield for spacecraftResearch Highlight: Gene editing holds promise for babies with deadly immune disease09:30 Chronic painChronic pain affects millions of people worldwide and it can be debilitating. Research into the condition has come a long way in the past few years, but this knowledge hasn’t necessarily resulted in better out