Light On Light Through

Amazon vs. Hachette: I Stand with Amazon



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 92, in which I explain - as an author who is both traditionally and independently published - why I think Amazon has the right of it in its much-criticized dispute with Hachette.   I address some famous authors, such as Nobel-laureate Paul Krugman, and why I see their attacks on Amazon as not only wrong-headed, but serving as part of Hachette's classic appeal-to-authority propaganda.   In sum, Amazon has revolutionized the author's ability to reach potential readers, in as profound a way as the printing press before it. Some of my novels, now independently published on Amazon:   See also - Nobel laureate Krugman cites Asimov's Foundation as Inspiration Marshall McLuhan and the Kindle (a podcast episode) recent interview with me (written) with more about this issue