Light On Light Through

China Goes Totalitarian about Time Travel



The Chinese ban of time travel movies is an unwelcome but timely reminder of the enduring differences between closed and open societies ... this is the subject of Light On Light Through, Episode 83. Helpful links - my blog post: China Goes Totalitarian about Time Travel The New Yorker and China Hush on the subject list of my books translated into Chinese my blog post: The Enoyable Trouble with Time Travel 2002 movie (YouTube): The Chronology Protection Case transcript and vid of my 2005 lecture: The Flouting of the First Amendment my home page: more blogs: more podcasts:                                          videoclips:                                                                            my latest media book:  New New Media my latest novel: The Plot to Save Socrates "challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly "Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News and Brian Charles Cla