Light On Light Through

Concerns about Kagan's First Amendment Position



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 77, in which I discuss concerns that I and other civil libertarians have raised about U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's views of the First Amendment, in particular her suggestion that objectional speech - such as hate speech and in pornography - can be restricted by government if it uses laws against physical abuse in hate crimes (which are indeed Constitutional and necessary for the government) to chill or limit the speakers.Links:my Infinite Regress blog piece:  Concern about Kagan's First Amendment positionmy Daily Kos blog piece, with extensive commentary:  Concern about Kagan's First Amendment positionJames Doty's defense of  Kagan in SalonJonathan Turley's critique of Kagan, with link to her article about combating hate speech and pornographyLight On Light Through podcast interview with the Doningers about Sotomayor's decision in their caseMy 2005 Fordham University Keynote Address:  The Flouting of the First AmendmentHuffington Post discussion of Ob