Light On Light Through

Astronauts Right to Criticize Obama on Space



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 75, in which I explain why Neil Armstrong, James Lovell, and Eugene Cernan are right to criticize Obama's cutting of the humans to the Moon space programs.   The long and the short of it is we'll never know who were are, never understand what we are doing here in this Universe, from our vantage point here on Planet Earth, and humans on the Moon are a crucial step to getting off this Planet. Links: my recent blog posts on this subject at Infinite Regress, Open Salon, and the Daily Kos, and the spirited discussion in the comments Obama's 2011-2015 budget and mission plans for NASA full text of Armstrong, Lovell, and Cernan letter to Obama MPAndonee's comment in the Huffington Post discussion my 2003 book, RealSpace   home page: more blogs: more podcasts:                                          videoclips: