Light On Light Through

A January 2010 TV Review Sampler



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 70:  A January 2010 TV Review Sampler.  I've been speaking and writing for several years - here on Light On Light Through, in my classes, on my blogs, in newspaper op-eds, and in my books - about the "new golden age of television" we are enjoying.   Indeed, I've been reviewing many of these great dramas - The Sopranos, Lost, Dexter - over on one of my other podcasts, Levinson News Clips.   These reviews are usually just 5-7 minutes, and I often post them within minutes of a show's broadcast.   This month of January 2010 has been an especially excellent month for television, so I decided to put together this special Light On Light Through sampler of my Levinson News Clips TV reviews of 24, Big Love, Bones, Damages, Fringe, Heroes, and House - all of which have come back on television with fine new episodes.   You'll find continuing reviews of every episode of these and other television shows on Levinson News Clips. Links: continuing podcast reviews of television on