Light On Light Through

Leno, Conan, and New New Media



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 69:  Leno, Conan, and New New Media .... in which I replay for you the entire 48-minute interview Fred W. Hofmann conducted with me on KCPS Radio, January 19, 2010, about the shake-up with Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien at NBC.  My thesis is that this has little to do with the talents of either late-night comedian, but rather is a result of the shift in audiences from network television to cable and the Internet.   I began to explore this shift in my 2009 book, New New Media, and I see the Leno-O'Brien events as just the latest rumblings in a television revolution which has just begun... Links: more about New New Media Twitter chapter from New New Media - free! Fred W. Hofmann on KCPS Radio   home page: more blogs: more podcasts:                                          videoclips: