Light On Light Through

Weep Not for Newspapers



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 68:  Weep Not for Newspapers .... in which I explain why the decline of paper newspapers may be the best thing that ever happened to journalism and its goal of keeping citizens in a democracy well informed.   This is the latest installment in my continuing series, What's Newer than New New Media, which until now has consisted only of written blogs.Links: more about New New Media Twitter chapter from New New Media - free! my brief essay on this issue in The Chronicle of Higher Education home page: http://paullevinson.infomore blogs: more podcasts:                                          videoclips:                                                                            published on 3 September 2009:  New New Media my latest novel: The Plot to Save Socrates"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly"Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News and Brian Charles Clark