Light On Light Through

How Does It Feel To Have A Book Published?



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 67:  How Does It Feel To Have A Book Published? .... in which I chronicle the publication of my latest nonfiction book, New New Media, on September 3, 2009, with descriptions of events and expectations in August 2009, through the day of publication, and continuing with adventures in September and October 2009.   Highlights include mentions of the book in The New York Times and other newspapers prior to publication, interviews on radio shows, the book tour, the use of a blog in promoting the book, the first book review, the Kindle edition, and much more.   These reflections of an author - me, about New New Media - were first detailed in a series of eight short (5-minute) episodes in my Ask Lev podcast, where these writerly accounts will continue.Links: more about New New Media Twitter chapter from New New Media - free! my other books Ask Lev podcast - practical advice for writers my Four Rules for Writers home page: http://paullevinson.infomore blogs: http://Infini