Light On Light Through

An Introduction to New New Media



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 65:  An Introduction to New New Media ... with the publication of my latest book, New New Media, just weeks away (Penguin Academics will be publishing the book on 4 September 2009),  I thought I would share with you the interview Dr. Howard Gluss did with me on his KFNX Radio show on June 12, 2009.  It provides a 20-minute introduction to the way that Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and what I call "new new media" are changing all of us from consumers into producers, and in the process revolutionizing all aspects of our lives, from the way we watch television to the way we elect Presidents...Links: more about New New Media more about Dr. Howard Gluss radio show I'm interviewed about New New Media on Kojo Nnamdi show home page: http://paullevinson.infomore blogs: and                       more podcasts:                                   videoclips: