Light On Light Through

Sotomayor vs. First Amendment: An Interview with Avery and Lauren Doninger



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 63:  Sonia Sotomayor vs. the First Amendment: An Interview with Avery and Lauren Doninger.  The First Amendment has almost never been under greater fire.   Broadcasters are being fined record amounts and the FCC and Congress are calling out for more.   Students are being taught the wrong lessons about freedom of expression in some of our schools, and courts are supporting these schools.  One of those cases - involving a 16-year old high school student, Avery Doninger - made its way to the Second Circuit Appeals Court, where Sonia Sotomayor and two colleague justices supported the school.   Judge Sotomayor now seems likely to be confirmed by the US Senate to serve a lifetime position on the United States Supreme Court. In this special episode of Light On Light Through, I interview Avery Doninger and her mother, Lauren Doninger.  You can hear in their own voices what was at stake in Avery's case - what the case was all about - and their reaction to the adverse decisio