Light On Light Through

Author and Critic: Perilous Symbiosis



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 61:  Author and Critic: Perilous Symbiosis ... in which I examine the love/hate mutually catalytic relationship of authors (or creators) and critics.   I look especially at the dangers and benefits to aspiring authors of writing critical reviews of works by other authors...Helpful links: My Advice to Writers - including my Ask Lev podcast List of my books - for you to read and criticize Enjoy... home page: http://paullevinson.infomore blogs: and                          videoclips:                                                                           my latest novel: The Plot to Save Socrates"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly"Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News and Brian Charles Clarke says The Plot to Save Socrates "resonates with the current political climate . . . heroine Sierra Waters is sexy as hell . . . there's a bite to Levinson's