Light On Light Through

Asimov's Foundation and Herbert's Dune Trilogies as Sources of Philosophy



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 60:  Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Frank Herbert's Dune Trilogies as Sources of Philosophy ... in which I discuss how the fate of Hari Seldon's "psychohistorical" equations in the Foundation trilogy and Paul Muad'dib's ability to see the future in the Dune novels gives us vivid, compelling answers to the perennial philosophic problem of what can we know of the future ... (Plot points mentioned only for the first two books in each trilogy.)  Helpful links: Invigoration of a Philosophic Issue in Science Fiction -my essay Asimov's Foundation trilogy and Herbert's Dune trilogy A postcard from Isaac Asimov to me from 1979 about Foundation Added in July 2021: new podcast episode: Thinking about Asimov's Foundation on AppleTV+ Enjoy... home page: another blog:                           videoclips:                                                                            my l