Light On Light Through

Conversation with Greenburgh NY Town Supervisor Paul Feiner about Blogging, Obama, and Caroline Kennedy



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 58:  A Conversation with Paul J. Feiner, Town Supervisor of Greenburgh, NY, about Blogging, Obama, and Caroline Kennedy.  Paul Feiner has been Town Supervisor - a two-year elected office - since 1991.  He has a weekly radio show, The Greenburgh Report, on WVOX Radio in New Rochelle, NY.  He also maintains a blog, and has trail blazed new media in our Westchester County town, including the introduction of competition in cable television providers.  I was a guest on his radio show on January 9, 2009, and this episode of Light On Light Through is excerpted from our conversation.  We talk about Paul Feiner's blog, Facebook, Twitter, the role of new media in Barack Obama's administration, and why Governor David Paterson should appoint Caroline Kennedy to the Senate...Helpful links: Paul Feiner's blog Paul Feiner's Wikipedia article I'm interviewed by Mark Molaro about New Media on The Alcove My New New Media book, to be published in Summer 2009 by Pearson, Allyn & Ba