Light On Light Through

Cyberbullying and a Remedy: The Music of the Truth on Earth Band, and an Interview



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 55, a very special episode about cyberbullying and a remedy - the music of the Truth on Earth band.   It's been in the news, especially recently - the 13-year old girl who took her life after being set up on MySpace by a 49-year woman, who pretended to be a boy in love with the girl and broke her heart.  The Truth on Earth band, consisting of three teenagers - Serena, Kiley, and Tess - decided to do something about this problem of people assuming false identities on social media and hurting other people.  The band wrote and recorded a song - "Shot With a Bulletless Gun".  It's receiving a lot of attention.  And with good reason - an example of the best of the Internet -    providing an MP3 remedy of lyrics and music for one of its own, worst ills.   You'll hear the song, and more music from the talented band in this podcast.  And also a 20-minute interview with Serena, Kiley, and Tess.  This is a song, a band, and an interview anyone who spends any time on the In