Light On Light Through

Lost 4 and 8



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 53 LOST 4 and 8 ...a special, jumbo compilation episode, in which you'll hear all of my reviews of the first part of Season 4 of Lost ... originally presented on my Levinson news clips podcast on the Friday after each Thursday's broadcast of Lost ... 9 reviews of the first 8 episodes (because I did two reviews of the first episode, I liked it so much), plus some special new commentary, presented here for the first time, with some additional thoughts I had about Episode 8, and the coming attractions at the end ... These eight episodes have been classic ... containing one of the best time travel stories ever on television, as well as some possible answers to the key mysteries of Lost ...Helpful links: Levinson news clips - the original podcasts, plus you'll find new, continuing podcast reviews of Lost there starting up again at the end of April Lost 4 and 13 - Light On Light Through Episode 54, with reviews of Lost Season 4, Episodes 9-13 Infinite Regress - blog post