Light On Light Through

Science Fiction in the New Golden Age of Television



Welcome to Episode 52 of Light On Light Through ... "Science Fiction in the New Golden Age of Television" ... It started in the mid-late 1990s with HBO's original series, especially "The Sopranos" in 1999.  This revolution in television - frank, gritty, real, intellectually sophisticated - soon spread to other cable and old-fashioned network television.   In the past few years, science fiction has taken a leading role.   In this podcast - based on a lecture I gave to the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society on 25 January 2008 (at the invitation of Lee Stein and Suzanne Rosin) - I look at the contributions of five science fiction series to this new golden age of television ... Lost, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Journeyman, Battlestar Galactica, and Heroes...Plus flashes ... mostly about the continuing Obama revolution, and a little about John "Palpatine" McCain...Helpful links: my blog reviews of Lost, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Journeyman, Battlestar Galactica, and Heroes... just ab