Light On Light Through

Conversation with Ken Hudson/Kenny Hubble: Second Life!



Welcome to Episode 49 of Light On Light Through in which I converse with digital artist Ken Hudson aka Kenny Hubble of and about Second Life.  At ten million accounts and growing, the vibrant virtual community of Second Life is becoming a way of life for many.  Ken interviewed me in his Media Ecology Second Life series a few weeks ago, and I'm still enjoying it.  Ken and I talk about life in Second Life - how to do it, how to live it, and its relationship to real or "first" life in everything ranging from art and music to (of course) sex.  Whether you're an old hand at Second Life, a newbie, or just want to learn more about this fascinating place, you won't want to miss this special 40-minute interview (and, actually, there is no way that you can, because it will always be available here - and likely somewhere in Second Life, too).Plus - my avatar reads from The Plot to Save Socrates in Second Life  in December 2007 - enjoy the videoclip...."Athens, 2042... Sierra Waters had always done everything for the thr