Light On Light Through

First Year Anniversary Party!



Welcome to a very special Episode - #47 - of Light On Light Through ... our first year anniversary party!  Lots of surprises, special guests (see guest list, below), a contest in which you can win a copy of my novel, The Plot to Save Socrates ... never-before-revealed facts such as how I came up with the name Light On Light Through - what it means - and much more...Plus flashes ...  Mad Men concludes a brilliant first year on AMC ... and maybe a tachyon telephone on NBC's Journeyman ...Making rare guest appearances on this special anniversary podcast: James Harris ... singing Looking for Sunsets Shaun Farrell ... from Adventures in SciFi Publishing Jason Rennie ... from the Sci Phi Show Jake Cordova ... from Just Not Right Dave Worley ... blog, soundcast, more Norman the Movie Guy ... from That Movie Critic Show Scott Sandridge ... from Everyday Fiction Michael Burstein ... award-winning short fiction Diana Liwen ... from Fire of Spring Mike James ... from MikeThinks Gabriel Llanas ... from the Punk Horror P