Light On Light Through

Modest Political Proposal via Podcast: How About Working for the Best Candidates in =Both= Parties



Welcome to Episode 46 of Light On Light Through, in which I offer a modest proposal for greatly improving our political process:  why not work for the best candidates in each of the two parties, so as to give Americans the best possible choice in the general election.  I go over my choices - just Ron Paul for the Republican nomination - Gore, Obama, Edwards, Kucinich, Gravel for the Democratic nomination (a lot more to choose from there) - and give my reasons why.Plus flashes ... Judy Woodruff reclaims the fine art of the civilized, informative interview in her PBS NewsHour interview with Ron Paul ... Michael Clayton is a fine, originally directed movie ... still time to send me your mp3 greetings for the next episode of Light On Light Through - our first anniversary show...Helpful links: Modest Political Proposal my blog post Judy Woodruff interview with Ron Paul my blog post analysis The Silk Code podiobook - my award-winning novel, read by Shaun Farrell, available free -  at