Light On Light Through

Celebrating Sputnik



Welcome to Episode 45 of Light On Light Through in which we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sputnik - the first artificial satellite to circle the Earth.  We look and the triumphs and the tragedies, and in particular, why we have moved so little and so slowly into space since then...RealSpace: The Fate of Physical Presence in the Digital Age, On and Off PlanetAlso in this podcast: an invitation to podcasters and anyone who can make an MP3 recording:  October 21, 2007 will be the first-year anniversary of Light On Light Through - send me your 10-second greetings, and I'll play them all in a special anniversary episode.  Feel free to mention and plug your own podcast, and whatever else you're doing.Plus flashes ... Heroes is back ... so is Dexter and Brotherhood ... and Journeyman - a great new time travel series - debuts ... all of this, and more... hear and read more of what I think about them in Levinson news clips and ...Helpful links: The Silk