Light On Light Through

Violence and Videogames: The Truth



Welcome to Light On Light Through podcast Episode 43, Violence and Videogames: The Truth, where I examine the two main types of "scientific evidence" that purport to show that violence in videogames leads to violence in the real world - and explain why they show nothing of the sort.  The experiments measure violence "profiles" based on results of tests, not violence in the real world.  The surveys show correlation not causation between violent videogames and violence in the real world - and I explain exactly what that means.I've been studying and teaching about the statistical flaws and inadequacies in these studies for years as a Professor of Communication and Media Studies.  If you'd like to really understand what these studies are trying to demonstrate, but why they do not, invest 15 minutes of your time and listen to this podcast. Plus flashes ... iTunes and NBC split - no big deal - bitTorent is the future, anyway ... now ABC is not only misreporting Ron Paul, but cropping Kucinich out of photos ... grea