Light On Light Through

Harry Potter and the iPhone



Welcome to Harry Potter and the iPhone ... Light On Light Through, Episode 38 ... in which we consider the two biggest draws of the Summer of 2007 ... Harry Potter and the iPhone ... makes sense: what the iPhone does is magic ... and consistent with my anthropotropic theory of media evolution - as new technologies evolve, they become increasingly human, and do more things we imagine and yearn for ... Plus flashes ...'s Obama Girl vids are revolutionizing the political process - for the better ... Mad Men is a great new show on AMC TV - cigarette companies and Richard Nixon are clients of this 1950s ad exec ... Helpful links: Read more about what I'm saying about the iPhone on Also on InfiniteRegress - my Barely Political Revolution - Obama Girl says it's her favorite! - and my review of Mad Men The Silk Code podiobook - my award-winning novel, read by Shaun Farrell, available free -at  or http://artofgraciouslivin