Light On Light Through

Lost New Questions



Welcome to Episode 36 of Light On Light Through ... in which we consider five questions that arise from the breathtaking Season 3 finale of Lost ... 1. how far in the future was the action in Los Angeles? ... 2. who's in the coffin? ... 3. who's waiting for Kate? ... 4. who is Naomi's boss? ... 5. is Mikhail immortal? ... Plus flashes ... more Lost ... still significant: inexplicable coincidences in the backstories ... Walt ... the paradox of the liar ... more Lost in Helpful links... First, my blog posts on Lost New Questions and other Lost matters - How Far in the Future? ...  Who's In the Coffin? ... Who's Waiting for Kate? ... Who Is Naomi's Boss? ... Is Mikhail Immortal? and  Lost and Alias: Now Something Else in Common... And some helpful links... Infinite Regress  my weekly reviews of Lost, 24, Heroes, The Sopranos, The Tudors ... and, coming soon, Meadowlands and Big Love... The Silk Code podiobook - my award-winning novel, read by Shaun Farrell, available free -  at o