Light On Light Through

Exclusive TV Predictions - Finales for 24, Heroes, and Lost!



Welcome to Light On Light Through Episode 35 ... my exclusive predictions for the season finales this week of 24, Heroes, and Lost!  I'll say no more ... you've got to listen to the podcast (most of these predictions have not appeared on my blogs before).  Email yours to me at - if I receive them before the shows, and you're right, I'll mention your name on next week's Light On Light Through.... Plus flashes ... devoted completely to politics again, and mostly to the poor treatment Ron Paul is still receiving from mainstream media ... this time, why did Fox choose to conduct a poll via texting, and then denigrate the results because Ron Paul did so well? ... also, Democrats, next time take up Fox and every network on offers to host your Presidential debates ... you don't hurt Fox by refusing to debate on its network, you hurt yourselves and the American people...  Helpful links: Advice to Networks about Post-Debate Polls my blog postInfinite Regress  my weekly reviews of 2