Light On Light Through

Cops Cracking Down On Journalists - Again!



Cops Cracking Down on Journalists ... Again! Welcome to Episode 27 of Light On Light Through ... While Josh Wolf sits in prison in California, New York City police are pursuing their own war against journalists ... arresting two Columbia University journalism students this past Thursday for videotaping police cars from a public sidewalk ... I call upon Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly to see that justice is served ... bring these cops to justice! Plus flashes ... media drop the ball on John Edwards reporting ... Al Gore never claimed he invented the Internet... Helpful links: Columbia Univ students thrown in jail for doing their assignment my blog post; Class Assignment Lands Two Students In Jail New York 1 News story; The War On Journalism website with details and videos of past police misconduct against video journalistsPreserving Freedom of Expression in America 60-minute video hosted by Howard Vicini about Josh Wolf (first broadcast March 16, 2007)Media Drop the Ball in Edwards Reporting and