Light On Light Through

The Four Phils



Welcome to The Four Phils... Episode 26 of Light On Light Through ... in which I interview actor and screenwriter Mark Shanahan about how he came to write and star in the Edgar-award nominated radioplay of The Chronology Protection Case based on my novelette of the same name ... my fictional NYPD forensic detective Dr. Phil D'Amato is the hero of this story ... and Mark and I talk about his and other renditions of Phil ... a rare, behind-the-scenes interview about the making of a radioplay... Plus flashes ... update on Josh Wolf, the imprisoned journalist ... my modest proposal for this political season ... and "wiki" makes it into the OED - how about a Wiki-OED?... Helpful links: Details on Phil D'Amato - his appearances in short fiction, novels, movie, and radioplay ... The Lives and Times of Dr. Phil D'Amato Listen to The Chronology Protection Case - complete, live, radio recording - free Howard Vicini with updates on Josh Wolf Blog post by me: Supporting the Best Candidates in Both Parties More of me