Light On Light Through

Gore Back On Center Stage



Welcome to Episode 24 of Light On Light Through ... Gore Back On Center Stage ... he won the popular vote for President of the United States in 2000 ... he was nominated last month for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in alerting the world to the dangers of global warming ... and his movie An Inconvenient Truth won the Oscar last week for best documentary ... we examine the contributions of Al Gore and look at what may be next for him... Plus flashes ... the RIAA on the warpath again ... study finds college students are narcissistic - is that so bad? Helpful links: Two of my blog posts about Al Gore: Gore Nomination for Nobel Prize Poetic Justice and Gore and Obama The Silk Code podiobook - my award-winning novel, read by Shaun Farrell, available free -  at or Patsy Terrell's podcast - Patsy does the wonderful Light On Light Through - Blubrry id   The Plot to Save Socrates  published in trade paperback February 20 - this me