Light On Light Through

Blockbuster, Netflix, the Web: The Future of Watching Movies out of Theaters



Welcome to Episode 20 of Light Light Through - Blockbuster, Netflix, the Web: The Future of Watching Movies out of Theaters.  It all began with Edison's kinetoscope, which gave movie-viewers a one-on-one experience.  Now, after a century of theater going, more and more people are watching movies on their own devices.  But not all of them are equal.  Blockbuster, which has dominated this market, still makes you go out in the rain to return a movie.  Netflix is better, but still leaves you hostage to the mailman.  That leaves the Web - and nothing succeeds like delivery of movies at the speed of light... And debuting in this Episode, a new LOLT feature: flashes ... in which I give quickie takes on media news.  This week:  the media are most to blame for the Boston cartoon terror scare ... Viacom the doomed dinosaur snarls at YouTube ... Yale prof disapproves of student sex in showers (well, ok, sometimes I'm make an exception and consider a story which isn't media news)... Helpful links: A Short History of the