Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

Spineless Christians Don't Deal with Evil | Archive 3/23/14



Mothers adopt away fathers' children in Utah! Christians lack courage. Men live at home. Feelings are evil. Steve Jobs was tough! Archive Sunday Service, March 23, 2014Jesse Lee Peterson shares the story of a man whose daughter was adopted by another couple without his knowledge. Utah law allows unmarried mothers to do this without the father's consent — and women are encouraged to lie! Mothers used to be selfless, but now they're selfish!  //  Jesse retells a story from last week at the barbershop: Thoughts are your enemy. A man tried to make his wife happy, and of course failed — and now he has no peace!  //  To men whose children are taken from you, recognize where you were wrong, and forgive.  //  JLP wrote a column in WND: "Spineless Christians and the War on Values" — about Christians who live in fear, and shy away from politics and dealing with evil. Grown men today live with their parents — notably in Armenian culture! Men should return to morality, and stop having sex out-of-wedlock.  //  Schools bel