Liquid Church

Will You Receive or Reject Jesus? | Passion Part 5



We all have a choice. We can receive the truth of Jesus or we can reject it. What will you choose? On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified in the middle of two men - two thieves. Interestingly, they each had a very different response to Jesus. As they are hanging from crosses, side-by-side, one criminal mocks and insults Jesus. But, the other confesses his guilt, proclaims Jesus’ innocence, and asks Jesus to remember him when he ascends to Heaven. And you know what Jesus said? “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”  This is incredible! This thief never read the Bible, never got baptized, never took Communion, never served on a Dream Team! Think about this… he was a criminal! Whatever crimes he committed were so bad that he was sentenced to crucifixion. But, what God shows us here is the GIFT OF GRACE! It’s truly radical.  The gift of grace points to this truth: Good people don’t go to Heaven. Good deeds don’t get you to Heaven. It’s not about what YOU do, it’s about what Christ does FOR YOU! A