Sharp - The Podcast

Cake Or Broccoli – STP032



Episode 32 - We solve the problem of getting stuck and not seeing things through to the end. The answer is not only simple but can give you the best of both worlds.Some of the USEFUL stuff in there is:What happens in our heads when we get stuck on thingsAn article from which refers to a Princeton StudyWhy it's the same as making a choice between 'cake now' or 'broccoli later'How this may explain why we get distracted and don't finish stuffThe 3 SHARP solutions:1) Giving yourself rewards with intention155 ways to reward yourself - the article is here2) Social AccountabilityGetting outside of your comfort zone by being accountable to othersA good article by Do The Things with some ideasJoining a Mastermind Group - here's some resourceFinding a coachMeet Up, where you can join like-minded peopleApps to improve your fitness regimeFitbit - you can join up with friends to compare activityStrava - where you can compare runs or cycle routes with othersPumpup - where you can track progress, post your success,