Sharp - The Podcast

What’s Wrong With Positive – STP025



Episode 25 - This week, we challenge the idea that being 'positive' is always the best approach. In fact, we discovered some research that suggests it could even hold you back:Some of the stuff in there is:Astonishment at our global listener groupMe failing to greet our listeners in a few different languagesThe glass half full half empty scenario - it might not be helpfulHow social media can make us feel like our lives are half emptyOur discovery of where we are in the world on incomeTry it yourself; you may be surprised - How Rich Am I?How positive thinking influenced my ability to pass a testSteve-in-the-field goes to the races to prove me wrongA Washington Post article - interview of Susan David challenging forced positive thinkingHidden Brain podcast by NPR - featuring professor Gabriele OettingenHer article in the New York PostWhat Joel Minden says in Psychology Today - about challenging beliefsWOOP! - Here's an explainer videoProfessor Oettingen's talk at - New York UniversityThe Rethinking Positive Thi