Sharp - The Podcast

Sleep For Your Life – STP022 - Sharp - The Podcast



Episode 22 - We're having a look at sleep this time. We learn why sleep is important, how a lack of it can literally kill you, what happens when we do get sleep and how to achieve it. There's also a liberal sprinkling of nonsense from 'Steve out in the field' which he thought was a good idea:Some of the stuff in there is:What can happen if you don't get enough sleepThere's a really interesting animation - by the Ted team hereWhy only a few people can survive on low levels of sleepThe risks you expose yourself to even after only being awake for 18 hoursNational Geographic's experiment - This is your brain on no sleepHow many people die in sleep related crashes each year - the numbers are astonishingFurther reading from Forbes here The health consequences of missing out on just an hour's sleep a nightThe Telegraph Article5 definite benefits from getting enough sleep:You’re better able to focus and learnYou feel happierYou’re more productiveYou’re less hungryYou won’t get sick as oftenWhat happens when we sleep