Sharp - The Podcast

10 Great Ways To Track Your Goals – STP019



Episode 19 - Last time, we looked at setting goals. But unless you do something about them, they end up being nothing more than good intentions. In this episode, we share the resource that's out there to help you do your goals, keep them on track, measure your performance and make them happen. We feature 5 apps and 5 'paper-based' resources - so there's something for everyone!Some of the stuff in there is:Why it's no good just deciding on your goalsApps and mobile-based resource can track and support your goals because your device is always with youWe reviewed loads of different websites, blogs and resource to research what apps are out thereWe (I) found 95 different apps to considerSo then I filtered them based on which ones got recommended the mostIn the episode, I talked about the top 5 - here they are:Coach.meGoals on trackStridesIrunurunLifetickI also promised you I'd link to the top 10 in the show notes, so here are the next 5:HabitBullStickKBalancedHabit ListWay Of LifeNext up was a 'paper-based' reso