School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#217 To Control Guns or Not to Control Guns? -- This is NOT the (Right) Question



In our podcast episodes, we like to answer questions we’re asked or to discuss topics that impact — or fire — us up. Lately, we’ve been discussing together the most recent school shooting in the United States (and the resulting usual public discussion about the need for gun control). As American citizens, we also have a unique viewpoint because of the near decade or more we’ve spent living outside of the United States (in more than 50 countries). It’s allowed us to gain a unique perspective of the problems plaguing nations — and to compare and contrast their similarities and differences.  School shootings are an almost uniquely U.S. problem. While violence and terrorism do occur in other countries — including genocide — a single shooter whose goal is to take out innocent lives (children) is a crime that is nearly exclusive to the United States.  What’s going on here? Why is it happening? Of course, it makes complete logical sense at first glance to blame it on the guns. We did about nine years ago while l