
What's it like to visit an AME Zion Church?



We are continuing our Church Services series! This time co-host Joshua Noel interviews Rev Keno Cannady of the AME Zion Church about what it would be like to visit his church! One great way to engender unity cross-denominationally is to visit other churches to learn and experience how our brothers and sisters of other traditions worship God. Our purpose in this series is to help prepare us all to visit other churches for this purpose, so if you want to know what to expect when visiting an AME Zion Church, we hope this helps! What does the AME Zion Church believe? What is the full meaning of Ame Zion? What are the sacraments of the AME Zion Church? What is an ame Zion church? Why is the AME Zion Church important? Why do methodist churches remove the harrowing of hell from the Apostle's Creed? How liturgical is the methodist Church? What makes Methodists different? What does it mean that the Methodists are free Churches? We ask all this and more in this one! We discuss all this and more with your favorite trave