Liquid Church

Jesus Rises From The Dead | Easter 2023



Easter isn’t some religious myth or legend. Easter marks a historical event - the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when Jesus rises from the dead, proving He is the Son of God. Jesus was arrested and crucified on a cross although He had committed no crime. Yet, Jesus wasn’t a victim. He was victorious! His death and resurrection defeated the power of sin and death. He is ALIVE today!  Because of Jesus’ resurrection, eternal life is granted to everyone who believes in Him. Yes, we’re talking about heaven. Christ followers can look forward to a reunion with loved ones in heaven. And nothing in this world - not addiction, divorce, or death itself can separate you from the love of God.  So, if you are heartbroken right now, if you are in a dark place, let us encourage you to let the light of Christ dispel that darkness. There is hope with Jesus! If you never made the decision to trust in Christ, the Holy Spirit is inviting you to do that right now! Go ahead and declare that Jesus is Lord and God raised him from the