School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#218 Body Shaming? How to LOVE Your Body AND Want to Get in Your Best Shape



This topic is one that can be sensitive so we want to handle it appropriately. As usual, the subject came up because of an activity in Greg’s online class for teens — Habits for a Successful Life — and a resulting email from a mom. (We love getting emails). The students were asked to take a self-assessment of multiple areas of their life — mental, emotional, physical, etc. As part of the physical assessment, different activities were done — holding their breath, touching their toes, counting pushups, and measuring ‘grabbable’ skin/fat on their belly. This last assessment is similar to what is done during a BMI examination (Body Mass Index test), except they measure belly, triceps, and inner thigh fat/skin. One parent was concerned that grabbing the stomach… brought “attention to this area of their body and was damaging to their confidence… As a certified personal trainer and in my training it was strongly emphasized to never ask a client to assess the health of their bodies in this manner, it creates body sha