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#59 Step Into Your Power And Activate Your Sovereignty - Interview with Nadine Sabathiel



Do you feel lost in the world of haves, depression, and whys? Do society’s expectations make you feel overwhelmed and unable to step into your power? In today’s age, it’s so easy to be distracted by others in the entrepreneurial world and get lost in comparison and competition that we forget that we’re brilliant and magnificent. We’re taught to put others' needs before us, but remembering you and putting yourself at the forefront is the key to meeting your inner essence and transformation.  Introducing the one and only, Nadine Sabathiel, Founder and Owner of the Uniwanderer brand.She is known for being an International Spiritual Mentor to 6/7+fig female leaders. She's a sacred essence who was born with a range of extrasensory abilities. Today she facilitates luxe soul and quantum evolution immersions for women to support and activate deep transformational liberation in all areas of their lives. In this episode we talk about how we can get out of our heads, be present in the moment, and reconnect with