Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

121: Harmonize to Rise: Wake Up to Your Wise Self, and Let Her Lead



Harmonize. To get yourself aligned on the inside so that the choices you make and the way you show up in your day to day come from the deeper truth and knowing within you. Harmonize. To choose to connect with your higher Self - your Wise Woman/Man/Being" - who knows how to walk through any threshold (change) because it is deeply attuned to Grace, the Divine, Expanded Possibility.  I've been thinking of you all! Waiting for the words to come about what is needed to support us all to stay awake, aware, wise and clear. As we walk through what is called a "threshold crossing", a catalyst, a challenge beckoning us to change, as individuals and a society, culture and world, with lots of uncertainty ... what is needed is for each of us to stay awake, be wise, stay harmonized ... so together we can rise.   This Feminine Power Time, 121: Harmonize to Rise: Wake Up to Your Wise Self and Let Her Lead, is #1 of 4 in the series on Crossing Over to a New World, not a New Normal.  What we are experiencing in the world right