Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

116: Take Care of Your Heart: Self-Love Practices for Staying Centered, Calm & Connected



Take care of your heart. I just had to do this Feminine Power Time for us - I know it sounds soft, or oh yeah of course. But what I have to share is so much more than some nice self care message. So tune in. Our hearts are our power centers.  Your heart much more than your mind drives your actions, thoughts and choices. You mind responds to the feelings and needs in your heart, but how many of us know how to truly communicate, connect and stay true to our hearts. Even if you do, the world is crazy, so we need access to practices and structures that keep our hearts stable and sustained, so we can stay clear, confident, calm and courageous.  In this Feminine Power Time #116: Take Care of Your Heart - Self Love Practices for Staying Centered, Calm and Connected, I'll take you on a exploration of these three realms : Self Love Sisterhood Self Sustainability  Including a practice for each you can put into your life for each one. These three things - self love, sisterhood, self sustainability are at the core of