Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

(Update) SALON: Crazy Wisdom: Conjuring Up Courage & Clarity in Intense Times



Courageous Women feel fear and have doubt too, the difference is they meet and move through the uncertainty to make choices that feel right for them…regardless of what is considered acceptable or feels comfortable. Some call this crazy, I name it brave. If you look back through herstory you’ll see powerful women who dared to conjure up courage to step past their own fear and the projection of fear placed on them from others to follow their heart’s deep wisdom. These trailblazers were often called “crazy” as a way to diminish and discount their feminine power and intuitive wisdom.… but in truth these women were the ones who lived freely and fully regardless of external circumstances or opinion. They dared to stand in their true soul expression as Courageous Wise Women. Some wise women’s courage changes the masses. And for many of us, while our courage may only touch as far as our children, friends, peers, clients, communities and selves, the amount of courage it takes to stand up and lead and speak from your h