Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

POWER PAUSE: Reset Your Focus & Rebalance Your Giving & Receiving at Fall Equinox



Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters. The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported. In this Feminine Power Time with women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business background with 15+ years of wisdom and spiritual study in practical ways that can support you to elevate out of overhwelm, stay focused on what matters, shift sabotaging habits and take care of small things that make a big difference.  Tune into this Pow