Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

67: Synchronicity & Shakti Leadership: Working with Feminine Power so Things Happen for You in the Flow



Of course we all want to live in the flow. Have things - invitations, opportunities, people, resources - 'come to us' vs having to go out and kill the proverbial meat or attack our lives and work like pushing a boulder up a hill. If given the choice between having to hustle, network like crazy, and make stuff happen OR having the experience where I'm guided to where to focus, when to act, where things come to me, I'm choosing the latter. Less stress, more spacious. Less pressure, more peace.  But how do you create synchronicity? How do you get into the flow, and most important, how do you stay there? So what you NEED comes to you vs. you exhausting yourself physically to make it happen or mentally to figure out how to plan and strategize to happen? This is the realm of Feminine Wisdom. The feminine super powered way of living, leading and succeeding, that most of us were not taught in our traditional education or on the job training.  Which is why it's the focus for this week's Feminine Power Time: "Synchron