Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Ep62: Sad & Mad About the State of the World...What Do You Do With These Feelings?



Each of our hearts has a spectrum of emotion that ranges from SAD to MAD that is our super power, if we know how to yield it and be with in correctly. But most people have not gotten training on how to use these energies in ways that fuel the change we desire vs. destroy the very thing we care so deeply about.  There are days when my heart can feel so heavy with sadness at the state of this world and what humans do to each other. If I don't allow myself to feel this and then move through it, it can drag me down like a grief pool of stagnant water. There are other days when my heart ignites like a fire storm, angry and mad sparking frustration and sometimes when it gets too big, it distorts into righteousness. So when you are SAD or MAD at the state of the world, or things happening in it, or what specific people are doing ... how do you use those emotions powerfully in ways that elevate the situation and honor your feelings vs. expressing those feelings in distorted ways (or not at all) harming yourself and o