Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Ep 61: New Beginnings : Honor Yourself Through Them vs Jamming It All In



New beginnings are such a gift - from a new baby, to a new relationship or friendship, a new job, new home, new project or new phase of life. But most of us miss the gift because instead of savoring the process, creating the space needed to allow things to unfold and emerge... we rush in, put pressure on ourselves to hit the ground running and don't take the space needed. And the foundation of the new thing is not strong enough to endure.  Instead of savoring the experience we stress out during it. In relationship, we rush in to intimacy too fast and give our bodies and hearts away before the relationship foundation is strong enough. We so desire to be safe, loved and to know it 'will work out' we miss the dance of growing intimacy.  In jobs, we start new ones right away instead of giving ourselves the space between to decompress and regenerate. So we leave one job exhausted and start the next one depleted, because the system 'needs us" In giving birth, we go back to work weeks or a few months later, because