Table Talk

321: Paul A Young - the secret to becoming a fine chocolatier



"If you feel stuck in a rut or bored at work, it may simply be down to the fact you've stopped learning," says Paul A Young, one of the world's leading chocolatiers. "You shouldn't feel guilty about that." Paul's career is fascinating, as much for the various twists and turns, as for the sheer level of achievement. He says it all began as a child, helping his mother and grandmother with the baking on a Sunday: "I wasn't very academic at school," he says. "But I did excel at arts and home economics." After initially getting into art college, he had a very late change of heart and ended up doing a BTEC in hotel and catering management at New College Durham. Find out more about the up-coming Food Matters Live careers event series In this episode of the Career Conversations podcast series, he reveals how he ended up working with Marco Pierre White, forming a lifelong friendship: "That's when my world changed." Paul also reveals the one piece of advice from Marco that sticks with him to this day, and it was