Picking For Profit & Selling On Ebay

Picking For Profit Eps 11 - Words of a Non-ebayer & Crickets



Hi guys, my friends!  I know that we missed a week for the show.  I apologize for that.  It felt good to put this show together.  This episode is different than our "norm".  (But is there really a norm?)  You'll hear 2 voices, but neither will be Jonathan.  This episode has a guest, a non-ebay guest.  Can you believe it?!  Are there actually people who don't sell on ebay?  I know that it is hard to believe.  Please keep an open mind!  Sometimes it the perspective of those who are "different" than us that gets us thinking different, and therefor making change that we needed in our life!  Not trying to get too deep here, but we can all use a little improvement.   Hey all you Secondhand Pickers Selling on Ebay facebook peeps... I need something from you.  Jonathan says that no one ever reads the show notes of podcasts.  Please, pretty please, help prove him wrong (and me right!).  Put a note in the group that you read the show notes of episode 11.   Until next time... Happy ebaying.  I wish you good hunting, str