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From the Pocket: Blind Runner Goes the Distance with Help from the Nation's 1st Official Seeing eye Running dog



{Music} Blind Abilities Presents From the Pocket a series where we use 2 apps, Pocket and Voice Dream to bring you articles from the web using Pocket App and seamlessly into Voice Dream. today we bring you an article from about a Blind runner who goes the distance with the help of a running guide dog. Hope you enjoy. {Music} Blind Runner Goes the Distance With Help from the Nation’s First Official Seeing Eye Running Dog UPDATED 10/16/2015 AT 3:43 PM ET •ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 10/16/2015 AT 3:39 PM ET At nine o'clock sharp every morning, Richard Hunter heads out for a jog through his neighborhood in Folsom, California, racing side-by-side with his partner: a long-haired, lively type with a tongue that hangs out of his mouth from the start of the run to the finish. Klinger, a German shepherd with a playful demeanor, is the first guide dog in the country to be officially trained as a running partner for a blind person. In this case, that would be Hunter, 48, a former school psycho